Lite mer personligt

Tog inspiration från Anna eftersom jag tycker det behöver struktureras upp lite i bloggen, skriver jämt och ständigt om massa klagomål istället för nåt vettigt så jag ska försöka med det nu =)

#30 days of challenge
#1. Introduce yourself
#2. The meaning behind your blog name
#3. Your fashion style
#4. Describe you parents
#5. What do you think is your flaw
#6. Your best friend
#7. Who do you admire
#8. Your beliefs
#9. Future plans/dreams/goals
#10. Your siblings
#11. A picture from last year and now. How have you changed.
#12. Something you regret
#13. Your favorite place
#14. 5 quick fun facts about you
#15. Wishlist
#16. A pic of your recent doodle
#17. Favorite season
#18. 10 of your most played songs and why
#19. What's the point to life. Describe what a perfect life would be according to you.
#20. Your childhood
#21. What inspires you
#22. Favorite genres(in music, movies, books).
#23. Where are you from.
#24. What do you think of your school.
#25. How are people in your school.
#26. Teachers.
#27. Favorite TV show.
#28. A day you'll never regret.
#29. How do you sense that you are in love.
#30. What's in your bag.
Vad heter du? =):

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